Thursday, April 7, 2011

Trying to understand the targeted audience

For the target audience my major focus is on the upper primary and middle school level students. In India CBSE (Central Board of Secondary Education) classifies Middle School as Class 5 to Class 8 (typically ages 10–13). There are other Central Boards such as ICSE (Indian Certificate of Secondary Education). Each state has its own State Board. Each has its own standards, which might be different from the Central Boards.In some institutions, providing education for 5th to 10th are known as secondary school.

Education scientist Sugata Mitra tackles one of the greatest problems of education -- the best teachers and schools don't exist where they're needed most. In a series of real-life experiments from New Delhi to South Africa to Italy, he gave kids self-supervised access to the web and saw results that could revolutionize how we think about teaching.
The "Hole in the Wall" project demonstrates that, even in the absence of any direct input from a teacher, an environment that stimulates curiosity can cause learning through self-instruction and peer-shared knowledge. Mitra, who's now a professor of educational technology at Newcastle University (UK), calls it "minimally invasive education."

On my prior visit to CEE (Centre for Environment Education) I met Pankaj sir and Rajashree mam from the CMU (Children's Media Unit) there. During the conversation Mam showed me this Draft of teaching manual contaning materials meant for the understanding for the teachers on how to make the kids explore a pond in a better manner. I just read it briefly and the excercises and the games were really nicely designed strategy to get the kids of different age groups involved in the understanding of the pond ecology.

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